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The Cool Kids Program is an evidenced-based program that consists of ten group sessions for children 7-12 developed by Macquarie University.


It emphasises the teaching of practical skills to manage anxiety such as:

  • Challenging worried thoughts

  • Problem solving

  • Facing fears

  • Developing social confidence


The cost for the program is $450 + the cost of a parent and child workbook.

The program runs each term at The Mindfull Project. Times are determined by the availability of participants.


If you are an NDIS participant, you can claim the program costs if you are self managed or agency managed pending your plan goals.

Prepare your child for life’s social and emotional challenges... In a fun and effective way!
The SAS Small Group Program will capture and engage your child’s attention through spy-themed gamified learning. With a strong evidence base underpinning the program, it has demonstrated effectiveness in improving four key life skills:


       * Emotion Recognition (in self and others)
       * Emotion Regulation (particularly anxiety and anger)
       * Social Problem Solving
       * Social Skills (for friendship and teamwork!)

Register your interest now for our next Cool Kids program or Secret Agent Society Program




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©2024 by The Mindfull Project


Contact Us:

Suite 3, 895 Pacific Highway, Pymble, NSW 2073

0492 862 250



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